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Development Team Leader, Senior Software Engineer - web developer of complex ERP-systems, Київ
Надам послугу

Development Team Leader, Senior Software Engineer - web developer of complex ERP-systems, Київ

Регіон: вся Україна, м. Київ
Works in IT for more than 20 years, from a developer to a development team leader.
Participation in the development and management of projects of varying degrees of complexity and duration.
Development team management, development process planning, task control, project timeline, budget, content, project risk management, project content decomposition, backlog management, sprint planning, project progress monitoring and task completion by the project team.
Optimization of complex workflows of design, development, programming, refactoring and code review.
Design, programming, code refactoring, code review, testing and deployment of applications, frameworks, components, modules, plugins.

Tech Skills Stack:
Frameworks project management: Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Kanban.
MS Office, Project, Visio, Power Point, Jira, Confluence, Redmine, Trello, Zoom, Slack, Google services.
PHP 5.6, 7.4, 8.0, PSR, OOP, Design patterns, DDD, Microservices architecture, MVC, Refactoring, Unit-testing, WebSocket, Phing. IDE PHPStorm + xdebug, Composer, PHPUnits, Phpdoc, Doctrine, Migrations.
PHP Frameworks: Symfony 5, 6, Zend 1, 2, 3, Laminas, YII2, CodeIgniter.
PHP CMSes: WebAsyst Shop-Script, OpenCart. PHP Templates: SMARTY, TWIG.
JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks: jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile, Bootstrap, React, SPA. (//bulletin-board.com.ua)
JavaScript: AJAX, JSON, Node.js, Express, Promises, async/await, NPM, Webpack, Sequelize, Pug, PM2, MATERIAL-UI.
HTML 4/5 + CSS 2/3, Bootstrap.
Database design: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Azure, MongoDB, Memcached, Redis.
Amazon AWS: IAM, Cloud Trail, Management Console, CLI, EC2 (Linux + Apache; Windows Server + IIS; Linux + Docker + GIT; Bootstrapping; LifeCycle Manager EBS Volume Backup, Snapshot), Elastic Load Balancer, Serverless Lambda + API GateWay + API Key, S3 Bucket, SNS, SQS, RDS.
RESTFull API web services development with JWT authentication and refresh tokens, Swagger, PostMan.
Integration with: MS API - Azure Active Directory API, Sharepoint API; Google API - Analytics Reporting API, Calendar API, Drive API, Account API; Ebay API, Shopify API, Voximplant API.
Delphi, VB, VBA for Excel.

Portfolio: https://github.com/scorpion3dd
My detailed resume: https://rabota.ua/cv/12183126
Our website: http://www.ik.3dscorpion.com.ua
E-mail: scorpion3dd@gmail.com
Skype: puzik_dv
Address: Kiev, metro Nivki
Contact person: Denis
Автор, контакти
Олена Миколаївна /  відгуки, інфо. /  оцінка активності
Телефон: +380xxxxxx показати
Передоплата або супервигідна ціна? Обов'язково ознайомтесь!
Viber: +380987995459
Skype: puzik_en
ID оголошення: #529594 (додано зареєстрованим користувачем, дата реєстрації: 07-09-2023)
Додано / Оновлено: 30-04-2024 16:14   (актуальне, до: 30-04-2025)
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